Rainbow baby clothing, nursery decor and photography is becoming more and more popular. But beyond this “trend” is an important symbolism.
Jack was born sleeping August 10, 2015.
That is a hard sentence to read. It was a hard sentence to write. For Jack’s parents it was an almost impossible sentence to live.
But from absolute devastation can come a glimmer of joy. Jack and Brody’s mom Jennifer writes, “Although the pain of losing you still cuts deep, and I will never forget you, Brody has definitely brought me joy, when I never thought I’d feel joy again. He is truly our ‘rainbow after the storm’.”
So parents celebrate these amazing blessings, these “rainbow babies”, not because it’s cute or because its trendy. They order shirts from etsy, they print signs to put in their rooms, and we as photographers wrap them in color to remind them, and hopefully others who have not yet seen their rainbow, that there can be joy even when it feels like that is the last thing is possible.
Brody with the family’s Molly Bear, a teddy bear that weighs the same amount Jack did at birth.
Brody with a picture from his nursery
Jack and his Mommy (photo credit God’s Image Photography)